Join the Board and represent community in your store.
Are you interested in getting involved? Urban Greens is seeking new board candidates to nominate for election at this year’s annual owner meeting (virtual details tbd)! Joining the board is [...]
A few changes worth noting as we close out 2021
Starting on Sunday, January 2, 2022, our hours daily will be 8 am-8 pm. In addition to revised hours, there are a few other things you should know: All members [...]
Compost Drop Off
Thank you for your support and interest in composting. Here are some details on our drop-off program: Update: Please keep the composting area clean. [...]
What’s happening in the next 2 weeks.
Too much to read on our newsletters? Here's a brief outline for you: June 12 - Urban Scoops Starting today, Urban Scoops is open for business. It's our own in-house [...]
2021Annual Meeting and Voting Initiatives!
Inviting Everyone to Join Us for our Annual Member-Owner Meeting & Online Voting! When: Sunday June 27th, 2021 Time: 5:30 - 6:30pm EST Where: Zoom-Register Here! To Vote: Member-Owners will [...]
Philip met US VP Harris!
On May 7th, our co-op board president, Philip Trevvett, had the honor of being invited to discuss the impact co-ops have on the local economy. In attendance was US Vice [...]