June 15, 2021

Man opening the compost bins to drop off kitchen scraps

Thank you for your support and interest in composting. Here are some details on our drop-off program:

Update: Please keep the composting area clean. Wipe the top of the bin after dropping off. There are wipes located in the front entrance as you “check in”. Do not assume the person before wiped the bin. Workshops are temporarily postponed – please reach out for information on how to start!

  • Kitchen scraps only* – Click here for the list of what you can & can’t put in our bins.
  • Limited to 3 gal/ week/ household (we are happy to refer you to the best option for larger quantities)
  • Free for Urban Greens members and anyone receiving SNAP benefits.
  • Fun idea: Create your own spreadsheet to track how much you’re saving from the landfill!
  • Lastly, the bins are in front of the store all day everyday.

*please remove plastic stickers from produce and staples from tea bags

You may use unbleached paper bags to drop off or empty your compost from a re-usable plastic bag. Here is an informative link on compostable containers.

Some of the benefits of composting and finished compost include:

  • Reduces Waste: 45 – 55% of the waste stream is organic matter.
  • Great for Plants, Lawns, and Gardens: Improves soil porosity, drainage, aeration, moisture retention even in sandy soils. Helps balance the pH. Can extend growing season by moderating soil temperature. Provides extra nutrients over a wide time window. Buffer against the absorption of chemicals. Promotes healthy root zones and suppresses diseases associated with certain fungi. “Worm tea” can be used as a mild weed killer.
  • Conserves Resources: Water – by soaking up water and slowly releasing (up to ten times its weight in water). Applied thickly as a top layer has benefits of mulch. Energy and Fuel – by keeping material out of the landfill and from being transported! These are some of the heaviest wastes.
  • Saves You Money: You will save on your trash tax (Block Island pays by weight!). No more buying fertilizer.
  • Land reclamation projects, Erosion control, Stormwater management
  • Composting is Fun and Educational!

Fun facts: Hair and fur are compostable. Dryer lint is debatable due to plastics in our clothing.

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