It’s Fairtrade Month, It’s Co-op Month, Let’s Party!
We have so much to share... Here's a preview of the contents below: -We're having an ice cream social on Oct 21 to CELEBRATE Fairtrade Month and our new MURAL! -Sign [...]
We have so much to share... Here's a preview of the contents below: -We're having an ice cream social on Oct 21 to CELEBRATE Fairtrade Month and our new MURAL! -Sign [...]
Food Certifications are labels or logos that provide consumers with information about specific characteristics or qualities of a food product. These certifications help consumers make informed choices based on their dietary preferences, ethical considerations, or [...]
On May 7th, our co-op board president, Philip Trevvett, had the honor of being invited to discuss the impact co-ops have on the local economy. In attendance was US Vice President Kamala Harris, US Commerce [...]
In this moment of national grief, anger, and protest, Urban Greens Co-op stands in solidarity with Black communities everywhere who continue to bear the weight of violence, oppression and [...]
Urban Greens accepts SNAP! Starting July 20th, Urban Greens Co-op Market is processing EBT transactions at the registers! This means that we are now able to fully support the [...]