Seeking New Board Candidates 2024
Urban Greens is seeking new board candidates! Joining the board is a great way to work with store leadership to guide and grow Urban Greens! Who will you nominate? [...]
Cityside at Wheeler visits the Co-op
This April, three classmates from Cityside program at Wheeler School asked us to share their Green Project involving green architecture and sustainability in buildings with our readers. At [...]
It’s Mario!
This is Mario Antimone, Jr., the president of MDS. Mario has been instrumental in helping the Co-op source affordable packaging solutions for the past several years. Mario started working [...]
Spring Things
For one of our local teens, we're hosting a Period Products Donation Box in the foyer until April 22. Read all the details below: My name is Gaby. I [...]
Dear Co-op Community
Dear Co-op Community, I wanted to take a moment here in this season of gratitude and togetherness to thank the Urban Greens community for welcoming me and my family. [...]
Welcome to Our New General Manager
Urban Greens Announces New General Manager! Please join us in welcoming Rob Drake. Rob brings 11 years of co-op experience, exhibiting a versatile skill set spanning Marketing, Purchasing, Pricing, Store [...]