12/30/2024 - New Perks to start the New Year right!
12/01/2024 - 🥳 It's December - we're full of member perks cheer!
11/13/2024 - Looking for Help Cooking for the Holidays?
11/03/2024 - 🗣️ Huge Field Day promotion all November!
09/30/2024 - 🫵 Co-op Month, Member-Owner Drive, Fairtrade Month.
09/12/2024 - 🌔 Annual Board & Member Meeting Tonight 6:30pm
09/05/2024 - Coming right up 🎗️The Annual Member Meeting
08/28/2024 - 🎗️The Annual Member Meeting is Coming
08/21/2024 - 📣 MESSAGE for Co-op Member-Owners
07/25/2024 - 🎗️REMINDER: Board Positions Awaiting Your Expertise
06/12/2024 - Message from the Board 🗣️ Seeking New Board Members.
04/27/2024 - 🗣️ Membership drive, Mario, and Mother's Day
03/11/2024 - 🍀 Lucky Member-Owner Perk This Week Only.
02/28/2024 - Winter ☃️ turns to 🍀 Spring
02/02/2024 - 🏈 Co+op Deals for all. Member-owner perks❣️
12/29/2023 - Looking forward to the new year! ⭐
12/12/2023 - A note on finishing the year strong..🎉 Shop community-owned local business for the win!
11/24/2023 - Greetings from our General Manager
10/12/2023 - October brings reasons to co-operate! 🪴
08/31/2023 - BOGOs thru 9/12 🌱 Certification symbols deciphered
07/29/2023 - Late July reminders 📆
07/25/2023 - 15 days til our annual member-owner meeting!
05/26/2023 - Holiday Weekend Sales at the Co-op, and more.
05/24/2023 - Call for Board Member Applications!
05/12/2023 - Store Updates for our Members
04/14/2023 - Mid-April Power Boost
02/23/2023 - Friday! Return of Fish + Chip Fridays 🐟 thru April 7
02/16/2023 - Cabin Fever Sale - for one and for all!
02/10/2023 - Talkin' 'bout eggs, 🍳 and flowers, and foods.
01/26/2023 - Call to Urban Greens Supporters and Friends
01/22/2023 - Lunar New Year is here! 🎊