June 4, 2021

Inviting Everyone to Join Us for our Annual Member-Owner Meeting & Online Voting!

When: Sunday June 27th, 2021
Time: 5:30 – 6:30pm EST
Where: Zoom-Register Here!
To Vote: Member-Owners will vote online. Search your inbox for “2021 Urban Greens Co-op Market Board Re-Election

The world has been forever changed by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. In the time since our last member-owner meeting, Urban Greens has remained committed to ensuring you have a safe and welcoming space to shop in your community, and to serving the community during these unprecedented times.

This year’s annual Member-Owner Meeting takes place on the 2nd anniversary of our grand opening! We will provide a look back at the past year, give updates on where we’re at, and discuss what we have in store for the future. Meeting details, including time, date, and how to join are included above.

Because this meeting will be held virtually, we are not able to host our traditional potluck. However, we know that sharing a meal together helps build relationships and strengthens our bonds as a community. So, the co-op will be offering a recipe that you prepare at home and enjoy along with other member-owners during the meeting as well as ready-to-eat meals available for purchase in the store.

If you have any questions you’d like the board to address, please email your questions to ugcouncil@urbangreens.com in advance, so we can provide as complete an answer as possible during the meeting. We will also be taking questions during the Q&A portion of the meeting.

Member-owners, non-owners, and future owners are all welcome to attend! See you then!

Voting Initiatives:

At the core of a cooperative organization’s democratic structure is the voting process, and the accountability to ownership that it brings. The Annual Member-Owner Meeting facilitates space for member-owners to exercise this right and responsibility. Through voting, owners help make important decisions that dictate the direction of the Co-op, and select candidates from among their fellow owners to represent them on the Co-op’s governing board.

This year, the board has nominated Philip Trevvett for re-election to the board. In his role as Chairman of the Board, Philip has worked closely, collaboratively, and tirelessly with Urban Green’s General Manager, external vendors, and other co-ops to navigate Urban Greens through the continuing COVID-19 pandemic.

The board feels that his wealth of knowledge and ongoing work with Urban Greens’ General Manager is integral to addressing opportunities for growth and an additional term as a member of the board will ensure Philip can see his current work to fruition and impart his wisdom and institutional knowledge in a smooth transition as we develop a new wave of board leaders. You can find Philip’s candidate statement posted below.

Please vote online in advance, whether you are able to attend the meeting or not. Your vote is critical to helping ensure that we have a quorum and can complete our election process.

To vote online, use the direct link that will be emailed with the subject “2021 Urban Greens Co-op Market Board Re-Election”. Once you’ve received the email, follow the instructions! Each email is linked to the member-owner’s email to ensure secure voting so please do not forward the email you receive. One vote per member-ownership share.

Board Candidate Statement for annual meeting election

Philip Trevvett (he/him)

Philip Trevvett portrait in Urban Greens logo tee

After living in Washington Park, the West End, Olneyville, Smith Hill and College Hill over the past 20 years, Philip now lives in the Elmwood neighborhood of Providence. He works at Harvard Medical School in Harvard Catalyst’s informatics department. This work has helped him develop strong project management and team building skills that have been extremely useful during his time on the Urban Greens board. He has also volunteered over the years with a number of agricultural and local food system businesses and nonprofits.

Philip has served on the Urban Greens Board for nearly ten years, and is currently the board chair. He was one of the core board members involved in getting the co-op open: leading the effort to successfully raise over $1million in startup capital, as well as spearheading community outreach and member drive efforts prior to the store’s opening. Since the co-op opened in 2019, Philip has focused on the board’s internal development through both recruitment and internal governance training, as well as developing management structures for the relationship between the Board and the General Manager.

Over the past year 2 years, 12 of the 13 board seats have turned over, leaving Urban Greens with a young and energized board. Philip is excited to be nominated for an additional term in order to provide continuity, support the development of current board members and help ensure the long term stability of the co-op. Philip is excited to focus his energy on supporting the continued growth of new co-op leadership.

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