March 10, 2019

Construction Complete – Certificate of Occupancy in Hand!

After lots of planning, countless details, and the inevitable hiccups in construction, we’re excited to announce that construction on the store is complete! This past month we received our certificate of occupancy from the city. We’re now moving forward with finishing touches around signage and wall art, and focusing on everything else that needs to go inside the store (food, staff, and finally customers!).

Hiring! Meet Our Growing Team!

With Certificate of Occupancy in hand, we can finally start bringing on the team that will support our GM in running the store! Over the past 2 weeks, 6 new staff members joined our team: Jacqueline, Leah, Erb, Jesse, Carlton, and Fran. The first team trainings are taking place this week, and we’ll continue to fill out our full team in the coming weeks!!

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